Qu'est-ce que will fight every brick ?

"Will fight every brick" is an idiomatic expression that means someone is determined to overcome every obstacle or challenge in order to achieve their goal. It implies that the person is persistent, resilient, and willing to put forth maximum effort to succeed.

The phrase is often used to describe individuals who are unwavering in their commitment, regardless of the difficulties they encounter along the way. It conveys a sense of determination, bravery, and dedication to the cause.

The origin of the expression is unclear, but it likely derives from the idea of physically fighting against every brick in a wall to break it down. This metaphorical representation symbolizes the determination to face and conquer any barrier that stands in one's way.

"Will fight every brick" can be applied to various situations, whether personal, professional, or even societal. It is often used to describe individuals who refuse to give up, no matter how challenging or daunting the circumstances may be. People who possess this attitude are willing to push themselves to their limits, persevere through setbacks, and do whatever it takes to achieve their objectives.

Overall, "will fight every brick" encapsulates a spirit of unyielding commitment and a refusal to back down in the face of adversity. It represents the mentality of being willing to confront and overcome every obstacle, brick by brick, until ultimate success is achieved.